Get a clear overview of your transportation metrics

Track all your transportation data, like carrier performance, quality KPIs, total spend and more, with Spotos Analytics.

General overview

Get a clear view of your entire operations: total freights, percentages of contract & spot freights, freight status summary, and loading/unloading countries.

Carrier performance

Track the quality of each carrier: their OTAs, OTDs, and cancellation rates all in one platform and with zero effort on your part. All the data is delivered to you by Spotos.

Logistics spend

Forget tracking your spend manually: with Spotos Analytics, you’ll see your total transportation spend, average rates, different lane spend, and charges.

What our current clients say about Spotos


SPB Global


Great platform to find transports for our cargo load; we are finding cheaper transports, and it’s also really helpful to check the route average market value. Includes invoices online, and the best part is that it is always the platform that invoices you. NOT required to engage in negotiations for payment methods with each transport company that books.


Indyk ITL


Everything was perfect and transparent. I could share all the information on every step with my colleagues. Everything was on time. Platform is very easy to use. Congrats on your platform!


UAB Skuba


Your system is great, it’s good to have such an opportunity and innovative solutions. I’m always team innovation!


Poniente Solutio


I have to personally tell you that we are currently working with many transports company but I´m in love of Spotos already. The way you organized your system, we can find all the information on the link, confirming the unloading without mailing and automatically having the invoice.

How will you benefit from Spotos Analytics?

Track & meet quality KPIs

Find new trustworthy, pre-verified carriers, ensure that you’re getting a fair market price, and work smoothly from day one.

Optimise your spend vs quality

With Spotos Analytics, it’s much easier to understand if your spend meets the quality standards you need - and choose the best carriers to work with.

Get clear, actionable insights

Whatever data you need, Spotos Analytics can provide it to you and enable you to make better business decisions quicker. See how your operations are doing in just a glance.

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