What is NCTS?

The New Computerised Transit System (NCTS) is an electronic transit declaration system for goods transportation across borders. Customs manage it and facilitate the transit of goods from the country of origin to the final destination.

NCTS helps to streamline transit procedures, reduce transit times, and ensure better monitoring of goods in transit. The system generates a unique transit number that tracks the movement of goods from start to end. It also provides security and protection to goods in transit, making it an essential tool for international trade. NCTS is a valuable tool for customs authorities, transport companies, and traders in the international goods trade. It enables them to manage transit procedures more efficiently, reduce transit times and costs, and ensure compliance with customs regulations. The system allows for the electronic submission of transit declarations and is accessible 24/7. It is widely used in the European Union to move goods across member states and is gradually being adopted by other countries outside the EU.